French Buttercream Recipe: Heavenly Whispers of France

by Austin Carter

New Recipe

- Prep Time: 15 minutes - Cook Time: 10 minutes - Final Assembling: 15 minutes - Total Time: 40 minutes - Course: Dessert - Cuisine: French - Servings: 12 cupcakes - Calories: 150 kcal

Best French Buttercream Recipe

– Handheld Mixer or Stand Mixer – Pot or Saucepan – Digital Cooking Thermometer or Candy Thermometer – Spatula – Measuring Spoons and Cups – Mixing Bowls – Whisk or Fork – Cooling Rack (optional)


– 1 cup butter softened – 4 large egg yolks – 1 cup sugar – 1 teaspoon vanilla extract


1. Whip the softened butter until fluffy and smooth using a mixer. 2. In a pot, heat the sugar with a little water over medium heat until dissolved, forming a syrup around 240°F (115°C).


3. Slowly pour the warm sugar syrup into the whipped butter while the mixer is running, blending until smooth. 4. Add the egg yolks one at a time, ensuring each is well mixed before adding the next, followed by the vanilla extract.


5. Continue mixing until the buttercream is velvety and smooth. 6. Your French Buttercream is ready! Use it to top cakes, cupcakes, or fill pastries. Enjoy the rich and creamy goodness!


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